lundi 30 novembre 2015

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Tropical rain forests contain a large number of organisms on Earth. Although the area of ​​less than 2% of the land area, it is home to more than half of the animals on the earth's surface also contains. 

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

enormous natural resources :

There are 80 frogs in the United States type; while there may be 280 type frogs in Madagascar despite the fact that an area smaller than Texas City.

In Europe there are 320 species of butterflies; while the Manu National Park, located in the Peruvian rain forest in 1400 Type of butterflies on the ground they live.

Of the main reasons for the existence of a large number of organisms in the rainforestt rain:
Weather: We know very well that  tropical rainforest located in the logic by following the sun sunlight, plant turned sunlight into energy and store it for eaten by animals.

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Crown cover: shows the form of coronary cover rainforest and there are places where can plants and animals live . rainforest is a renewable source of food, shelter and hiding.

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Form rainforest  interactive world to secure food animals and plants together and contain rare Dual purpose or almost extinct so it is a shelter for Granger.


What is the fate of the polar bear with ice melting ?

What is the fate of the polar bear with ice melting?

Polar Bear King of the ice cover, which coats the Arctic pole of the planet, the disappearance of ice, which used it to catch prey causes him food deprivation in the summer .

Scientists believe polar bear can deter this threat and overcome the scarcity of food through the entry in diapause to save energy.
Scientific studies have shown that it does not happen, as researchers have continued to monitor the change in the heat of the bodies of animals and their activities and the movement's 30 polar bear and concluded that the bears can not reduce capacity but little could last up and not to compensate for food deprivation.
The scientists planted Precision Equipment to measure the degree of polar bears heat each hour as they put collars around the necks of bears are connected to satellites to monitor their movements and rates of activity with help of those technical.

Also it threatens to melt the ice in the polar bear's life spring season and prevented him from hunting from what prevents fat storage and this affects the life of the polar bear.
There are other challenges facing the polar bear, including drilling for oil and gas operations and hunted by the indigenous people and the rest of the impact of weak Makornt factors as loss of ice cover.

dimanche 29 novembre 2015

Do you know how many class endangered animals ?

Do you know how many class endangered animals?

Varieties article about endangered animals, there are many kinds of animals threatened with extinction of the kingdom of animals and animal have been counted 7200 class and mostly in the tropics and wars. And there are cases extinction naturally geological findings and other changes as a result of climate change, 

inappropriate for some varieties, especially with small sizes of animals, in addition to the rapid increase in the number of the world's population.

How to protect the animals from extinction ?

1 - Construction of nature reserves as the government must provide areas in geographical areas suitable for the endangered animals live and died pattern necessary protection, especially fishermen.
2 - Knowledge of animal species threatened with extinction in detail and method of living and prepared skin such as gorillas and rhinos that do not have them to two in Barcelona, and the ibis the Arabian oryx and the sand gazelle.

Do you know how many class endangered animals ?

Best Strangest Animals In World | articles about animals 2015

Best Strangest Animals In World 

Mexican salamander

One of the strangest animals in the world is Mexican salamander, a species of animal hedgehog sea but different about him. 
It features a Mexican salamander humanitarian synthesis of it with one hand waving and smiling like children, but it is threatened with extinction.

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

how big are blue whales ?

how big are blue whales?

Our topic today about the blue whale, a marine mammal and due to the length of 32 meters and weighing 175 tons Lalbagh It is the largest creature on earth. He lives in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Ocean. Whales decrease in the beginning of the twentieth century as it seemed almost extinct, but was protected by the international community in 1996, the ability of the number of whales in 2002 between 5,000 and 12,000 thousand whale all over the world.
 Of several members of the members of the blue whale, which is considered the largest in the animal kingdom and is a tongue weight of 2.6 tons and can accommodate his mouth for 90 tons and weighs his heart 600 kg and drink a small whale in the first months of about 500 liters of milk and increased calf weight every 24 hours 80 kg and the calf is born weighing 2700 kg. The blue whale of the largest creatures and this animal needs to secure his life and to provide a protected permanent observer to monitor the breeding and fishing operations.
how big are blue whales
how big are blue whales

Article About Endangered Animals

article about endangered animals

today i will give you some Information about endangered animals like polar bear and Blue Whale The reason To overfishing And excessive human need for polar bear fur Without paying attention to what will happen to the animals, which continues to drop as it does not exceed the number today  22,000 - 25,000And the role of global warming in the declining number of polar bears

Polar Bear advantages

-A remarkable capacity to appreciate the depths
-A strong sense of smell
-Speed of 55 kilometers per hour
-Scalp provides camouflage in the snow

How to protect polar bears from extinction?

In my opinion, it must be provided for these animals jam bears and create a network of protected breeds in this rare animal without any problems or threats to his life and animal life insurance

Article About Endangered Animals
Article About Endangered Animals