vendredi 27 novembre 2015

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Article About Endangered Animals

article about endangered animals

today i will give you some Information about endangered animals like polar bear and Blue Whale The reason To overfishing And excessive human need for polar bear fur Without paying attention to what will happen to the animals, which continues to drop as it does not exceed the number today  22,000 - 25,000And the role of global warming in the declining number of polar bears

Polar Bear advantages

-A remarkable capacity to appreciate the depths
-A strong sense of smell
-Speed of 55 kilometers per hour
-Scalp provides camouflage in the snow

How to protect polar bears from extinction?

In my opinion, it must be provided for these animals jam bears and create a network of protected breeds in this rare animal without any problems or threats to his life and animal life insurance

Article About Endangered Animals
Article About Endangered Animals 

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