lundi 30 novembre 2015

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Tropical rain forests contain a large number of organisms on Earth. Although the area of ​​less than 2% of the land area, it is home to more than half of the animals on the earth's surface also contains. 

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

enormous natural resources :

There are 80 frogs in the United States type; while there may be 280 type frogs in Madagascar despite the fact that an area smaller than Texas City.

In Europe there are 320 species of butterflies; while the Manu National Park, located in the Peruvian rain forest in 1400 Type of butterflies on the ground they live.

Of the main reasons for the existence of a large number of organisms in the rainforestt rain:
Weather: We know very well that  tropical rainforest located in the logic by following the sun sunlight, plant turned sunlight into energy and store it for eaten by animals.

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Crown cover: shows the form of coronary cover rainforest and there are places where can plants and animals live . rainforest is a renewable source of food, shelter and hiding.

Why are there all these types of plants and animals rainforest ?

Form rainforest  interactive world to secure food animals and plants together and contain rare Dual purpose or almost extinct so it is a shelter for Granger.


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